Minutes for Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Normal Heights Community Center/Zoom
4649 Hawley Avenue
X = in attendance
X | Paul Coogan (C) | X | Kenny Patrick | X | Emilie Colwell |
X | Allan Harjala (VC) | X | Dan Soderberg | X | Jacob Koopman (P) |
X | Sami Burrows (S) | X* | Eydie Kaufman | X | Brian Adams |
X | Frances Prichett (T) | X | Nancy Lawler | X* | Madison Stevens |
X | Julia Corbett | X | Scott Kessler (AABA) |
Paul called the meeting to order at 6:01 and read the opening reflection. Then Paul gave a brief overview of the meeting procedure.
Board introduced themselves and whether they would prefer to vacation in sand or snow.
Community Attendees
5 zoom participants, 8 attendees in person.
PRJ-1123673 Remodel of Existing Commercial Building at 4712 Felton St
Anchi Mei of MAKE Projects provided an update on the project plans through the last few months of its permitting process. The full presentation is available on https://normalheightscpg.org.
Emilie motioned for NHCPG to write to DSD Staff to recommend approval of the plan as is. Kenny seconded the motion.
Unanimous approval of the Board in attendance, except Dan who abstained due to late arrival.
Action/Decision Items
Approval of previous meeting minutes
December 3 Regular Meeting
Scott motioned. Brian seconded.
Unanimous approval of the Board in attendance.
Shall the board use a consent agenda for default approval of:
● Meeting minutes
● Reporting of funds
● External communications
Jacob motioned. Allan seconded.
Unanimous approval to proceed.
Agenda modifications
No agenda modifications.
Non-Agenda Public Comment
- Marianne on Zoom: concerns over the state of Ward Canyon Park, with unhoused population, drug use and gangs.
Elected Representatives
Officer Jenny Hall, SDPD
Coffee with a Cop November 13th from 8AM-10AM. Officer Jenny Hall provided an update on the two
Sara Al-Agha from District 9 Councilmember Sean Elo-Rivera’s office
Sara said that engineering department advised late January/early February for construction to start on demolition of the mock building in Ward Canyon Park. Sara will keep NHCPG updated on the timing of start so that an event could take place. PATH workers are currently doing outreach in Ward Canyon Park, so law enforcement can take place unless involving illegal & dangerous activity. Department Trash and recycling potential services fee will hold two presentations scheduled in District 9, Monday, January 13th, Rolando Park Community Council & Wednesday, February 5th, 12pm, Mission Valley Planning Group. More information can be found at https://cleangreensd.org/. Regional Task Force on Homelessness is #weallcount to increase awareness of homelessness, count will be done on Thursday, January 30th. More information https://sandiego.pointintime.info/. Sara provided an additional update on Council changes for committees and chairs.
Mayor’s Office – Fatima Maciel
Paul shared Fatima’s report that she provided in advance. Report included: 1) overview of daylighting, citations begin on March 1st. 2) caution around the approaching rainy season 3) actions to address budget shortfall 4) city seeking volunteers for Boards and Commissions.
County Supervisor Montgomery Steppe or representative – Katherine Llagan
No representative present.
State Senator Atkins – Toni Duran
No representative present.
Assembly Member Ward – Christopher Gris
No representative present.
District 51 U.S. Congressmember Jacobs or representative
Michaela – 2024 metric highlights: helped 1400 SD residents with federal agencies, $4.6 billion in federal funds to upgrade south bay treatment plan, $82 million for SD non-profits, visit website for full list of 2024 accomplishments in Press Release. Office in process of relocating, and new address will be updated on website shortly. For any help with federal agencies, encouraged the community to reach out to Sara Jacobs’ office.
Chair Report
Paul – Sam Gonzalez is new representative from our state senators office and will joining us at next meet. CPC was on hiatus during holidays and reconvening in January. Grand Jury Submissions that were submitted by CPC (4 submissions) were taken up by the Grand Jury. Community Garden is in progress, Paul has been working on plan revisions based on feedback from the Planning Department. Kenny is overseeing the board formation for the Community Garden and Julia is communicating with Kenny on being on the board.
Adams Avenue Business Association
Scott – AABA Annual Breakfast February 4th, public is invited for $20, at the restaurant replacing El Zarape, called Bosforo. Councilmember Sean Elo-Rivera is attending, and mayor/other representatives were invited. Banners on the 136 lamp posts are being updated with native plants and birds.; 136 lamp posts
Adams “Community Recreation Advisory Group”
Nancy – No meeting in December. Next meeting is 4th Tuesday of the month at 6PM, Adams Avenue Rec Center.
Normal Heights for Smart Growth
Paul – No updates.
Joint Mid-City Communities Plan Update Committee
Emilie – Next meeting is March 19th, the city will present public engagement and historic context and survey report. First plan draft will be Fall of next year.
Traffic Issue Taskforce
Allan – Email sent out to the NHCPG from previous year.
Community Engagement/Financing Committee
Jacob – Jacob handed out all flyers, Sami still has some to post. Jacob requested for 50 more flyers from Paul. On NextDoor, put a request for light. SD Wildlife Humane Society is willing to do 15-minute presentation on how wildlife exists in Normal Heights for March Meeting. Jacob is going to approach Von’s for a community bulletin board. Sami/Jacob were unable to meet but plan to before next meeting. Identify where sidewalks are a problem to start leaving flyers at homes of residents. CPC is requesting a 300% increase, if that happens, Jacob would maybe put t-shirts and hats on hold. Paul advised to front the cost to request reimbursement. Jacob suggested if there is anyone interested in the board, to have a standing line item on the agenda.
Paul called the meeting to adjournment at 7:21.