The Normal Heights Community Planning Group (NHCPG) is the official community-elected group representing the Normal Heights neighborhood in the City of San Diego for land use issues. NHCPG has a special role in the Community Planning process including being both a voice of the community to the City Council and overseeing Land Use (i.e. building projects) within Normal Heights.
NHCPG is led by a community-elected Board that learns about and makes recommendations on key land use issues affecting Normal Heights. You can learn more about what issues are coming before the group on the Meeting’s Page.
The planning area known as Normal Heights is bounded by El Cajon Blvd. on the south, by SR 15 on the east, by SR 805 on the west, and by the Mission slopes on the north.
What is a planning group?
City of San Diego: Community planning groups (CPG) provide citizens with an opportunity to advise the City Council, the Planning Commission, and other decision-makers on development projects, general or community plan amendments, rezoning, and public facilities. The recommendations of the planning groups are integral components of the planning process and are highly regarded by the City Council and City staff.
What kinds of issues does the group discuss?
Land use is a broad subject. Recent issues include use/misuse of park spaces, motor vehicle traffic impacts from speeding and misuse, high-rise housing, trail development, shared use of school grounds after school, transit availability, utility undergrounding and potential for additional street lighting.
When does the group meet?
NHCPG meets on the first Tuesday of the month at the Normal Heights Community Center and via Zoom. The link for the Zoom meeting is published in the agenda for the upcoming meeting.
Agendas are available at least 72 hours before the meeting.
How can I get involved?
Show up! It’s that easy. Better yet, serve on the board, the only requirements are being over the age of 18 and being a resident, business owner, or land owner in Normal Heights and having attended a meeting (so you know what this is about). Don’t worry about knowing how it all works, we’ll show you the ropes! Contact for more.