Minutes for Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Normal Heights Community Center/Zoom
4649 Hawley Avenue
X = in attendance
X | Paul Coogan (C) | X | Kenny Patrick | X | Emilie Colwell |
X | Allan Harjala (VC) | Dan Soderberg | X | Jacob Koopman (P) | |
X | Sami Burrows (S) | X | Brian Adams | ||
Frances Prichett (T) | X | Nancy Lawler | Madison Stevens | ||
X | Julia Corbett | X | Scott Kessler (AABA) |
Paul called the meeting to order at 6:03 and read the opening reflection. Then Paul gave a brief overview of the meeting procedure.
Board introduced themselves and what Hallmark movie they would you star in.
Community Attendees
10 zoom participants, 7 attendees in person.
Agenda modifications
No agenda modifications.
Non-Agenda Public Comment
- Jacob Koopman: resurfacing comment on stagnant water issue at 36th street and Madison/Monroe. City is aware of it, but nothing has been done. Paul advised Jacob to provide the GID # to help fast track on our end. Fatima also can check with the Storm Water Department on any updates.
- Edyie: Question regarding Adams street lights are on timers or solar; Scott advised they’re on solar. 12 lights out of 136 out in Adams Avenue District currently.
- Becky Rapp: wanted to raise awareness on mislabeled marijuana products at local smoke shops, gas stations and convenience stores that were labeled THC-free and did actually have THC. Packaging was not only mislabeled but marketed toward children.
Measure B Cost of Service Study Update – Jon Schmid
Jon provided a presentation covering the basics of Measure B and where we are currently at in the process. Measure B passed by voters in 2022, and allows review of trash collection services and fees. Bottom line–would impact single family residential homes, who would pay a fee. City is conducting a cost-of-service study to determine baseline cost analysis. Outreach began in 2024, and now in 2nd round of outreach–will provide city council an update next Monday. Round 1 results: 74-83% chose satisfied or very satisfied for each service type. Round 2: Jon encouraged people to participate and attend upcoming meetings. For more information can reach out to trash@sandiego.gov or visit cleangreensd.org.
For record, Measure B was passed Yes – 203,223 50.48% votes to No – 199,384 49.52%.
Graffiti Strike Force – Officer Scott Holden
Officer Scott Holden opened the table for communications with the community regarding graffiti concerns.
Jacob asked if it’s worth taking photography of graffiti and forward along to the police department. Officer Holden advised he can put it in the Graffiti Tracker, if it just says “east side” does not help, but if it’s a tag name or a photo of the person can be documented. City property vs. private property approach can be very different, but $5.01/sq ft is the charge for city property. Felony charge is when it’s $400 and/or gang enhancement.
Paul asked if there is anything we can do as a community for prevention. Scott advised Adams Avenue Business Association strategy is to cover it up quickly to deter.
Ramie asked about potential for reformed taggers to do art around the neighborhood; Officer Holden said it has helped deter in tagging in some areas that they have embraced this.
Kenny requested if there is any official communication regarding what to do/not to do regarding tagging on private property. Jenny will circle back with team and see if there is anything to provide to NHCPG.
Montezuma Fire Update and Wildfire Safety – Station 18
Paul played a video recording of the Montezuma Fire Update. 350+ personnel on scene through a mutual aid system. The fire department is still looking into the initial cause of the fire that started at the home site. Full video available on the NHCPG website.
Paul is working on Fire Safe Council for Normal Heights with help of Judy Harrington to get grants for dumpsters and educational programs similar to what Kensington has. Judy Harrington provided some background on Kensington program, currently gets around $5000-6000 to help with brush abatement.
Emilie provided context on how all new developments have to follow Title 24, which currently includes more fire-resistance roofing. If there is any development in a high-fire risk zone, you are required to higher standards for home development/construction. Ramie advised some people submit permits and do not follow the permit they are approved for; Paul advised you can submit to Code Blue if out of compliances. Fatima reiterated Paul’s comment on submitting any issues as well as can help for any specific instances.
Jacob reiterated desire to have Station 18 come and speak with us. Paul advised that we should reach out to their communications group to give us specific details on evacuation plans for Normal Heights. Danielle said that Fire Department isn’t in charge, but actually Police are in charge of the evacuation. Contact: 619.405.8021 csharp@pd.sd.gov
Paul called a 10 minute break at 7:28.
Action/Decision Items
Vote: Election of Board Seats for Open Seats
Paul brought up the re-certification of Eydie Kaufman expressed her interest of being voted onto the board.
Allan motioned. Brian seconded.
Unanimous approval.
Approval of previous meeting minutes
November 6 Regular Meeting
Jacob motioned. Brian second.
Nine board members voted yes for approval–unanimous in attendance.
Nancy and Emilie abstained due to absence.
Elected Representatives
Officer Jenny Hall, SDPD
Coffee with a Cop November 13th from 8AM-10AM. Officer Jenny Hall provided an update on the two
Sara Al-Agha from District 9 Councilmember Sean Elo-Rivera’s office
Sara encouraged to report any broken street lights on Get-It-Done as Street Repair/Transportation Group will be in D9 next month (January). It does not include city circuits. Council is on legislative recess until Dec 9. Will again take recess 23rd – January 13th. No update on mock building for Winter 2024 demolition, and could be extended into 2025.
Action item: Sara to advise Jim Baross and Paul Coogan on who the selected contractor for mock building is.
Brian asked if there is any city process or plans for front-in parking due to some of the street parking being eliminated due to new intersection. Scott advised he’s in a Mid-City Community Parking District Group, and it’s a process (2-3 years) but they evaluate the street width among other things to help with parking in the community.
Mayor’s Office – Fatima Maciel
Mayor will be streaming an announcement on 5 year outlook plan tomorrow at 9AM; will be posted on youtube on what to expect for the upcoming fiscal year. Homelessness update – PATH scheduled to come in the upcoming weeks/months for outreach in Ward Canyon Park; they conduct outreach for the city and were covered as part of the Encampment Resolution Funding. During research phase, PD cannot be present/enforce anything relating to encampments; however, if there is anything that is beyond that, people can still contact local services and PD.
County Supervisor Montgomery Steppe or representative – Katherine Llagan
County has a new system for submitting public records requests. Katherine provided an overview of California Public Records Act, responses must occur within 10 calendar days; what is a record & what should not be requested. If you cannot find a public record online pra.sandiegocounty.gov, you can submit a formal request via the new portal. Any questions can visit the website or email COBRecrods@sdcounty.ca.gov.
The presentation will be available on https://normalheightscpg.org/.
State Senator Atkins – Toni Duran
No representative present.
Assembly Member Ward – Christopher Gris
No representative present.
District 51 U.S. Congressmember Jacobs or representative
No representative present.
Adams Avenue Business Association
Scott – Mars project property was sold at auction last week, new ownership is unknown at this time. Alley between Hawley and Mansfield was repaved last week. 100 ft mural in the alley due to be completed by next week. December 8th holiday event with snow, Santa, hot chocolate and candy with 300-400 kids/families. Last week, lit the holiday tree in Kensington Library Park. February 4th AABA annual board election meeting, $10 entry fee location TBD.
Adams “Community Recreation Advisory Group”
Nancy – meeting last week and went over mock building, Ward Canyon, encampments and graffiti. Rec Center will work on getting graffiti cleaned up by maintenance team. Next meeting in December will not be held.
Smart Growth/Community Garden Update
Paul – Fatima helped with the lease for the community garden and was a big support. Next, CDC as co-signatory and will have an active board, hire a gardener manager and as soon as key turnover, will see about doing light grating and layer of cardboard with 6-8 inches of leaf post.
Joint Mid-City Communities Plan Update Committee
Emilie – virtual meeting next Wednesday to review the mobility existing conditions report. Will have an update in January.
Utility Undergrounding & Street Lighting MAD
Emilie – postcards will likely go out in January with survey.
Traffic Issue Taskforce
Allan – no report.
Community Engagement/Financing Committee
Jacob – did not have a formal meeting, but have taken NHCPG flyers to put up along Adams. Would like to invite Alexis Whol for the March Meeting as Wildlife Vet who wants to talk about wildlife of Normal Heights and give community QA/what to do if you find baby animals. NextDoor recommendations: encouraged board to write a NextDoor recommendation to help encourage engagement on our page. Jacob plans to do additional posts on Normal Heights to further drive traffic. Jacob is working on shirts for Normal Heights.
Paul called the meeting to adjournment at 8:34.