Notice of Election

The election is now complete and results may be viewed on this post.

The Normal Heights Community Planning Group will hold its annual election of board members on TUESDAY, MARCH 4 at 6:00 the Normal Heights Community Center at 4649 Hawley Boulevard, just before and during the regular March meeting of the community planning group.

Eligible voters can cast ballots at this location from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. All voting is by secret ballot and must be done in person at 4649 Hawley Boulevard.

To be eligible to vote, you must either:

  • Rent or own a home within the Normal Heights Community Planning Area, or
  • Own property within the Normal Heights Community Planning Area, or
  • Operate a business located in the Normal Heights Community Planning Area.

The Normal Heights Community Planning Area is:

  • North of El Cajon Blvd
  • East of the 805
  • West of the 15
  • South of the canyon rim over Mission Valley

Election Process

  • Six seats on the board are up for election. There are seven candidates.
  • Voting is by secret ballot and must be done in person at the Normal Heights Community Center, 4649 Hawley Boulevard, between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.
  • Voting will begin at 6:00 p.m. and continue during the regular March meeting until 7:00 p.m.
  • Anyone present may vote who is at least 18 years of age and (a) resides in, or (2) owns real property in, or (3) operates a business located in the Normal Heights Community Planning Area, which is north of El Cajon Blvd, east of the 805, west of the 15, and south of the canyon rim. 
  • Eligibility to vote may be established by presenting an ID, utility bill, lease, deed, or other document that shows the address within the community planning area. Alternatively, a voter may sign a form attesting to their eligibility and provide the address within the community planning area.
  • Once eligibility is established, a voter will receive a printed ballot containing instructions and the list of all candidates to select from. After selecting the candidates of their choice, each voter will deposit their ballot in the ballot box.
  • Once voting ends at 7:00 p.m., the ballots will be counted. Any ballot that contains more than six votes will not be counted. To be elected, a candidate must receive more than one vote. The six candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected to the board for two-year terms that start as of the planning group’s regular April meeting. A coin toss will be used in the event of a tie needing to be broken. The results of the election will be announced during the planning group’s March meeting. 

Candidate Statements

Art Harrison

I am reluctant to stand for election to this board, however, I feel obliged to offer an alternative viewpoint to the other members.  My position will always be what I think is best for the residents, owners and renters, as well as the real estate and planning interests. I intend to be more inquisitive about the facts presented (or not presented) for our consideration and I will take the long view, trying to see into the future for our community. The list of issues we are currently facing is long and growing longer.  I will consider all viewpoints, not just my own but my neighbors who don’t believe they can have a voice on how their city works.  I have tended towards favoring the individual over business or city interests. I will continue with this approach. We live in a special part of the world. It is our responsibility to make it the best place (to live and work) that we can. With regards, Art Harrison.

Eydie Kaufman

My name is Eydith (“Eydie”) Kaufman.  A long time resident of San Diego, I moved to Normal Heights in 2018 and found an area with a unique charm, amazing people and businesses, and fun community festivals.  I see tremendous potential for the area to improve.  I volunteered for the Normal Heights Community Planning Group’s board so I could get involved in advocating for positive improvements, including improvements in safety, cleanliness, access to parks and community resources, attracting and keeping quality businesses, and increasing neighborhood socialization. 

I am a mediator and lawyer, and a former adjunct professor of law.  I am also a musician, avid hiker and dog mom.  I care about this area and want to help preserve what is good and fight to avoid bad impacts on our quality of life.  Please vote and attend meetings to express your opinions – help make a difference!

Frances Prichett

Frances Prichett biographical information:

  • Moved to SD in 1988, after living in other American cities and abroad
  • Bought fixer-upper house in NH in 1991; involved since 1992 in efforts to improve neighborhood, community (crime, graffiti, gang activity in 1991 were commonplace)
  • Business operator in NH since 1991; raised daughter here

Vision for future of NH:

  • Much-improved public transportation – multiple bus lines, linked to trolley lines, connecting neighborhood to entire city
  • Local infrastructure (streets, sidewalks, water/sewer systems) repaired and maintained
  • Housing available at all income levels, including opportunities for first-time home-buyers and public housing
  • Preservation of unique, historic character of NH and its architecture
  • Increased park/open spaces and exponentially more trees on main thoroughfares and residential streets
  • New state-of-the-art library
  • Vibrant, thriving, and diverse “Main Street” at Adams Avenue

Julia Corbett

I care about making Normal Heights a safe, equitable, and enjoyable place for us to live, work, and play. I have a background in homeless services and believe that affordability in our neighborhood should be a priority. I am also enthusiastic about our neighborhood’s access to outdoor spaces and parks. In particular, I’m excited about the plans for a Normal Heights community garden, which I will be supporting. Overall, I’m committed to making sure that everyone’s voice in the community is heard. If you have anything you’re concerned, curious, or passionate about, I hope that the Normal Heights Community Planning Group can be a place where you know your voice matters. Thanks for your time and consideration, and I hope to see you at our next meeting!

Kenny Patrick

For much of my adult life, I’ve lived in or near San Diego’s “Metro” neighborhoods (North Park, Normal Heights, Kensington, City Heights, Hillcrest, & South Park.) In 2021, when the opportunity arose for me to return to Normal Heights, I leapt with both feet. My cats, Aibileen & Minny, and I are finally in our forever home. My name is Kenny Patrick and I wish to be of service to our community and those who visit Normal Heights.

As a Community Planning Group, we are responsible for informing ourselves and others, while striving to constructively listen, learn, and evolve. Individually, oftentimes, folks can be dismissed by the powerful. Together, we can lift each other up and demand to be heard.

Personally, I want to focus on shoring up our community while holding accountable those who might not always act in the best interests of their neighbors. Together, we can bring attention to the things that impact many while mindfully considering the concerns of the few. Ideally, we plant approximately 2,000 trees and make Normal Heights climate resistant, provide a self-sustaining community garden that is available to those who wish to participate, view our unhoused neighbors as vulnerable instead of labeling them as criminals, and bring lighting to all dark intersections.

Is outreach and implementation easy? Not even a little bit.

Will there be disagreement about methods? Obviously.

And we must keep trying anyway.

Thank You for considering me to participate as a Community Planning Group volunteer board member.

Mark Lawler

I am Mark Lawler. I am a resident of Normal Heights since 1987. I am on the board for the Adams Avenue Rec Advisory Board. And been on the Normal Heights Planning Group several times. Had to set out for a year. Now would like to be reelected this year. I am for the safety of our neighborhood of Normal Heights;  Also for the Ward Canyon Community Park and Community Gardens. To get the upgrades to the park.

Nancy Lawler

I am Nancy Lawler. I have been a resident renter since 1976 living in the same apartment building as a property manager. I am on the board for Adams Recreation Rec Advisory Board and the board for the Normal Heights Planning Group. I support our community and am for Ward Canyon Community Park and the Community Garden.