January 2023 Agenda

Agenda for Tuesday, January 3, 2023, 6:00 PM until approx. 8:00 PM

Participation is by teleconference during this Pandemic, not an in-person meeting.

or via telephone; 1 669 900 6833 US  Meeting ID: 863 7351 1598  Passcode: 837497

6:00      Call to order – AUDIO, CHAT, AND VIDEO WILL BE RECORDED

  1. Introductions of Board members. All attendees are encouraged to enter their name for a record of their attendance in “Chat” or, if participating by audio only, to introduce themselves verbally. A reminder that other Chat entries will not be monitored by the Chair and are not considered official communications, even if to or from Board members.
  2. Agenda Setting/modifications (Note: items may be addressed out of listed order and time)
  3. Approval of previous meeting minutes as sent via email – Secretary/Vickie Everich
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer/Allan Harjala

6:15   Non-Agenda Public Comment regarding NH land use & related NH community issues;  limited to two minutes per person.

  • Digital Communications Monitoring from, Nextdoor, Facebook, etc.?

6:30      Action/Decision Items (Board member roll call may be performed for recording votes)

  • Teleconference and/or “Live”? -Shall the February 7, 2023, meeting be held via teleconference (per AB361), both teleconference and in person, or only in person
  • Review and comment on the NHCPG web page Internet presence at https://normalheightscpg.org/. Kudos & thanks to Paul Coogan and Brian Schrader!

7:15      Reports/Updates

  • City, County, and State government agency representatives, if present.
    • District 3 Councilmember Whitburn – Office contact, Ryan Darsey,619-236 6633
    • District 9 Councilmember Elo-Rivera – Office contact, Ben Mendoza, 619-236-6699
    • County Supervisor Fletcher – Office contact, Ana Laura Martinez 619-531-5525
    • State Senator Atkins – San Diego office contact 619-645-3133
    • Assemblymember Ward – Office contact (619) 645-3090
  • Chair report
    • Community Planners Committee – no December meeting.
  • Community Group updates when present
    • Adams Avenue Business Association – Scott Kessler
    • El Cajon Boulevard Business Improvement Association – Gary Weber
    • NH Community Association and NH Urban Arts –
    • Adams “Community Recreation Advisory Group” – Nancy Lawler
    • NH History Project – historical documents are now at the Community Center office
    • NH for Smart Growth – Paul Coogan

7:30        Standing and Working Groups & Pending Issue Reports as needed  

  1. Historical Property Review Report – Dan
  2. Parks & Trail Development –P&R Director promising new trees to be installed in the Fall.
  3. Utility Undergrounding –  Forming a Street Lighting working group toward establishing new Maintenance Assessment District (MAD).
  4. Traffic Issue Taskforce – Allan.

  8:00    Adjournment


• To join the meeting, use the URL link into your browser or click on the link provided at the top of the agenda: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86373511598?pwd=ZkplL1I2VU1USXV5Q3VsaGUzbENIdz09
or join via telephone; 1 669 900 6833 US   Meeting ID: 863 7351 1598   Passcode: 837497

• For those who would rather call in with a telephone. Upon dialing in you will be asked to enter the Meeting ID followed by the pound/# key, this ID can be found below. You may also be asked to enter the Passcode. When joining the teleconference Via Phone Only you may not be able to view the teleconference or the photos or documents shown.

1-669-900-6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 863 7351 1598  

Passcode: 837497

The Zoom Application:

• Downloading the Zoom application to your device provides for the best results. You can register for free. If you are unable to download and run the Zoom application for this meeting, you can choose “Join from your web browser” upon joining the meeting, which does not require downloading any plugins or software. Google Chrome is the recommended web browser.

Join the Meeting at or up to 30 minutes before the Scheduled Time:

• Meeting participants will initially be admitted into the meeting “waiting room”. The Zoom Host will allow participants from there to the meeting itself.

• When you enter the meeting, all participants will be muted unless otherwise directed by the Chair. Leave your device muted during the meeting as this helps keep extraneous background sounds from interfering with the meeting. The meeting audio, video, and Chat may be recorded for use by the Secretary.

The “Chat” function is not monitored or controlled by the Chair. Comments and questions may be posted in Chat to “everyone” or to an individual, but Chat activity will not necessarily be addressed by the Chair and will not be included in the Minutes of the meeting.

To provide comments on non-agenda public comment or asking to speak on agenda items:

• Via the Zoom: Participants will be muted on entry and will need to “raise their hands” during the agenda item to be recognized by the Chair to speak. Sometimes the Chair may be able to see you raise your hand asking to speak.

The Participant’s and Reaction buttons are at the bottom center of the Zoom video screen. Use these buttons to get both a list of participants and to expose the “Raise Hands” feature at the bottom. The “Raise Hand” feature may alternatively be found in the “Reactions” button at the bottom.

Thanks for your courtesy in not interrupting and by waiting to be called upon.

• Via the phone: If you have problems connecting before the meeting you may call 619-280-6908. The Chair Host may be able to assist. You may have to leave a message on this landline/no text.  

• Via email: Send an email to NHCPGChair@gmail.com  with your name, the item, and the information, comment, or whatever that  you want provided at the meeting.

Questions or Technical Issues

• If this is your first Zoom teleconference please practice first and try signing-in to this meeting up to 30 minutes early in case adjustments are needed.

If you have any questions or technical issues prior to the meeting beginning, please contact the Zoom Host/Chair up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting for assistance. 619-280-6908

• More comprehensive instructions for how to join a Zoom meeting and how to test your computer or smartphone setup are available should you need them at: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en- us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-Meeting