The Normal Heights Community Planning Group’s annual board election is coming up in March.
We are seeking candidates to run for seats on the board.
Do you want to join the conversation about housing, transportation, and land use in the neighborhood and participate in making recommendations to the city? Run for the board!
Email as soon as possible for more information and a candidate application. All candidates for the election must be declared by February 4th.
To run for a seat on the board, you must –
- Be at least 18 years old, and
- Either rent a home, own a home, own property, or own a business located in the Normal Heights Community Planning Area.
The Normal Heights Community Planning Area is bordered by –
- El Cajon Boulevard on the south,
- The 805 Freeway on the west,
- The 15 Freeway on the east, and
- The canyon slopes overlooking Mission Valley on the north.
For more information, please see or email