Meeting Minutes Apr. 2023

Meeting Minutes for April 4, 2023, 6:00 PM until approx. 8:00 PM

xJim Baross xAllan Harjala (VC) Ricky Marin
xEmilie ColwellxEmily Kamen Dan Soderberg
xPaul Coogan (C)xScott KesslerxBrian Schrader (S)
 Vickie Everich xNancy LawlerxGreg Stone
xTaylor EverichxFrances Prichett (T)  

Election of Officers:  Votes totaled. Secretary: Brian Schrader, Chair Pail Coogan, Vice Chair: Alan Harjala, Treasurer: Frances Prichett


  1. Introductions of Board members. 
  2. Agenda Setting/modifications: Jim suggests removal of Board Member Ricky Marin be added to Action Items.
  3. Approval of previous meeting minutes as sent via email – Secretary/Vickie Everich: Motion passes unanimously
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer/Allan Harjala: No change from last month: $2085.99

Non-Agenda Public Comment regarding NH land use & related NH community issues;  

  • Gerald Schoelen: Asked for an update on the letter sent to the city about the trees (re: #6 from March Agenda)
  • Digital communications monitoring from Nextdoor, Facebook,etc: None this month

City, County, and State government agency representatives, if present. 

Action/Decision Items

  • Nomination & Election of Board Officers (handled at the beginning).
  • Shall we staff a booth at the Street Fair? Greg Stone volunteered to handle coordination of staffing
  • Grant opportunity update/. Paul has begun a writeup for the grant proposal for a Community Garden.
  • Review and discussion regarding teleconferencing capabilities and requirements.
    • Vote to authorize reimbursement of Jim for two-thirds of the Owl device cost assuming the other third is paid by AABA. Taylor seconds. Approved unanimously.
  • NHCPG Strategic Plan – Internal organization (DEI, technology, training), Civic Interfaces (annual report, minutes and agendas, monitoring, grants), Community Interfaces (recruitment, polling)
    • Paul gives an update for what is needed to reach compliance.
    • Working group is formed to investigate: Paul, Scott, Jim.
  • Shall we formally invite Sean Elo-Rivera to the May meeting at the suggestion of Mike Magars?
    • Paul Motions. Emilie Colwell seconds. Approved unanimously.
  • Shall the Board remove Ricky Marin from the board as he has met the criteria for removal?
    • Jim moves. Taylor seconds. Approved unanimously.


  1. Chair report
    1. CPC Update: No report
  2. Community Group updates when present
    1. Adams Avenue Business Association: Scott Kessler update on Adams Avenue Unplugged.
    1. El Cajon Boulevard Business Improvement Association: Gary Weber update on goals for the BIA to “create a destination down there” and he recommends that the board collaborate with the BIA to produce better outcomes.
    1. NH Community Association and NH Urban Arts: Greg Stone provided an update on NHCA events Eggstravaganza for children at Normal Heights Recreation Center. 
    1. Adams Community Recreation Advisory Group Alan Harjala: Phase 1 of GDP required fiding a landscaping firm which has been completed and the pending demolition of buildings. Phase 1 should last 1-1.5 years.
    1. NH History Project – No Update
  3. NH for Smart Growth – Gerald Schoelen: Update on the tree cover and the Parkway tree cover. 
    1. Tree Cover Working Group: Paul, Gerald, Greg, Emily

Standing and Working Groups & Pending Issue Reports as needed   

  1. Historical Property Review Report – Dan: None to report
  2. Parks & Trail Development – No update
  3. Utility Undergrounding – Frances/Emilie C. No update
  4. Traffic Issue Taskforce – Allan  No update

Adjournment : M: Jim S: Alan.