Meeting Minutes Aug. 2022

Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, August 2, 2022, 2022 6:00pm until approx. 8:00pm

Participation is by teleconference during this Pandemic; no in-person meeting. 

Board Member Attendance (X = present)

XJim Baross (C) Taylor EverichXFrances Prichett
XPaul CooganXAllan HarjalaXDan Soderberg
XChristian D’Emilia (VC)XEmily Kamen  
XVickie Everich (S)XScott Kessler  
   Nancy Lawler  

C= Chairperson  VC= Vice Chairperson  T= Treasurer  S= Secretary

Others in Attendance: Emilie Colwell, Ryan Darsey, Andrea DeLeon, Kelly Knappe, Phillip Linssen, Mike Magers, Caroline McKeoun, Theresa Murphy, Robert Ruane, Gerald Schoelen, Brian Schrader, Norma Stafford, Peter Stafford

6:00 PM: Call to Order by Chair Jim Baross 

  1. Introductions of planning group members.  All members present identified themselves.  All attendees were encouraged, but not required to type their name and contact information in “Chat” feature, or if participating by telephone to introduce themselves verbally.  
  2. Agenda/Setting Modifications: None
  3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: July 2022 minutes unanimously approved. (M: Christian/ S: Emily)
  4. Treasurer’s Report: Linda Case has stepped down from the Board.  New Treasure is needed.  Balance has not changed since last meeting.  

Public Comments 
5&6: Non-agenda public comments regarding Normal Heights land use and related Normal Heights community issues. Public comments are limited to two minutes per person, per subject.  

  • Social Media: Vickie reported there are posts on social media regarding the building that houses the Ken Theater, Cucina Sorrella and The Haven Pizzeria is being sold
  • Jim reported that state funding of $8 million is reported to be allocated for the completion of Ward Canyon Park!!!

6:30 Megan Browning, Recycling Specialist from the City Environmental Services Department provided a presentation on the new state-wide organic waste diversion requirements and answered public questions.  Resources for the new program can be found at or or ny emailing Megan at

Action/Decision Items

  • The Nominating Committee presented Paul Coogan as a qualified candidate for Board Membership. Board unanimously voted to elect Paul to the Board.
  • Shall the next NHCPG meeting be held on August 2, 2022 and Shall the next NHCPG meeting be held in person or virtual? Board voted unanimously to hold the meeting virtually on September 6, 2022 (M: Vickie S: Paul). Scott noted that the Normal Heights Community Center will have the technology to hold hybrid meetings as of September.
  • Shall the NHCPG send a letter request to the City elected officials and Development Services Department asking for a detailed re-analysis of the Adams Ave corridor as a Transportation Priority Area?  A presentation was provided by Margaret Friend and Gerald Schoelen in which they reported that the Planning Department has updated the TPA map, and the parcels at 35th  Street and Adams Avenue and not in a TPA.    A presentation was provided by Margaret Friend and Gerald Schoelen on the Mars Project proposed for 35th Street and Adams Avenue and Transit Priority Areas in which they reported that the Planning Department has updated the TPA map, and the parcels at 35th  Street and Adams Avenue are not in a TPA Therefor, Margaret and Gerald asked the  The Board was asked to send a letter to the city requesting: “the developer resubmit the project in accordance with underlying City of San Diego Municipal Code for the parcel – not the incorrect Complete Communities Plan and the City update the draft Complete Communities Plan map to accurately reflect the TPA status of parcels along Adams Avenue.”  A discussion was held with input from both the public and Board Members.  Scott made a motion to send the letter with the verbiage provided above, Emily seconded.  A vote was held and the motion passed with 5 members in favor, 3 members opposing, and Jim abstaining as Board Chair. 
  • Shall the NHCPG request the City of San Diego to install monument marker signs at four entry/exit points in order to facilitate neighborhood identity per request of Marianne Green?  Marianne Green proposed installation of boundary markers for Normal Heights to better identify neighborhoods for those who are unfamiliar with the area and trying to navigate the neighborhoods to the City Engineer, who requested she present the idea to the NHCPG for feedback. A motion was made by Scott to support Marianne’s proposal with Vickie seconding.  A vote was held and the motion passed with 7 in favor and 2 members abstaining.


  1. City, County, State government agency representatives if present:
  2. Ryan Darsey representing Councilmember Whitburn spoke about recent City Council actions including passage of the Build Better San Diego Initiative, the My Body, My Data Act, and the 2022 Climate Action Plan
  3. Chair Report
  4. Community Planners Committee meeting established a subcommittee to review proposed Land Development Code updates and created an Affordable Housing subcommittee.
  5. Jim accepted the position of CPC Secretary
  6. Jim met with El Cajon Blvd adjacent CPG Chairs to discuss increasing housing density.
  8.  Community Groups Updates
  9. Adams Avenue Business Association: Planning for the Street Fair on September 24 & 25 is in effect
  10. El Cajon Boulevard Business Improvement Association: none
  11. Normal Heights Urban Arts: Norma provided update including fundraiser for Butterfly Mural.  They will have magnets for sale at Street Fair to raise funds. Gofundme still in place:
  12. Adams Community Recreation Group: none

Standing Working Groups 

  • Historic Property Review Report:  No new properties to report
  • Street Fair: Jim and Caroline will be working together to schedule staffing for booth.
  • Utility Undergrounding: none  
  • Traffic Issue Taskforce: none

8:18 PM: Adjournment (M: Paul, S: Christian)