Meeting Minutes Nov. 2022

Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, November 1, 2022, 6:00pm until approx. 8:00pm

Participation is by teleconference during this Pandemic; no in-person meeting.

XJim Baross (C)XAllan Harjala (T) Ricky Marin
XEmilie ColwellXEmily KamenXDan Soderberg
XPaul Coogan (VC)XScott KesslerXBrain Schrader
XVickie Everich (S)XNancy LawlerXGreg Stone
XTaylor EverichXFrances Prichett  

C= Chairperson  VC= Vice Chairperson  T= Treasurer  S= Secretary

Others in Attendance: Margaret Friend, Jim Harrington, Sean Harris, Colin Lowry, Mike Magers, Gerald Schoelen, Norma Stafford, Jan Stamn

6:00     Call to order 

  1. Introductions of planning group members.
  2. Agenda Setting/modifications  None
  3. Approval of previous meeting minutes as sent via email – Motion by Paul to “Approve” S: Emilie C, Vickie and Taylor abstain due to absence during last meeting.  Motion passes.
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer/(position vacant ), no expenditures have occurred

Non-Agenda Public Comment regarding NH land use & related NH community issues;     There were none

  • Digital Communications Monitoring, Nextdoor, Facebook, etc.  None

Action/Decision Items

  • Elections were held for positions of Treasurer and Vice Chair 

Paul Coogan nominated self for Vice Chair.  Motion to approve: Vickie, S: Scott, unanimously passes

Allan Harjala nominated self for Treasurer: Motion to approve: Paul, S: Brian, unanimously passes

  • Shall the December 6th, 2022, meeting be held be via teleconference (per AB361) Motion to hold meeting via teleconference by Dan, S: Paul, unanimously passes
  • Shall the NHCPG send a letter to the City Council, Mayor and Planning Department opposing the proposal in the DRAFT 2022 Land Use Development Code Update Language of 10/13/22 concerning the change from a Transit Priority Area to a Sustainable Development Area and supporting the following change, “Sustainable Development Area means the area within a defined walking distance along a pedestrian path of travel from a major transit stop that is existing or planned, if the planned major transit stop is included in a transportation improvement program or applicable regional transportation plan as follows: 1. Within Mobility Zones 1, 2, and 3, as defined in Section 143. 1103 the defined walking distance is 0.5 mile. Motion to accept made by: Scott S: Paul. Board votes: 8 Yes, 4 No: motion passes.
  • Shall the NHCPG seek ownership of a Normal Heights CPG web site and authorize expenditures for related purchase and costs this year not to exceed $100? Motion to accept: Brian, S: Nancy, unanimously passes


  1. The Mars Project developer provided an update and offered to answer questions; Seamus Garland,, (858) 404-1824.
  2. City, County, State government agency representatives if present.  None present, Ryan Darsey from Councilmember Whitburn’s office provided written update.
  3. Chair report 
    1. Community Planners Committee October. 25
      1. City’s Capital Improvement Process status presented. Next update 2023.
      1. Affordable Housing Subcommittee teleconference meeting scheduled for December 5th, 6 PM
      1. Many expressed the desire for continuing teleconferenced meetings.
    1. City budget requests may still be provided to City Council members and Mayor. 
  4. Community Groups updates when present
    1. Adams Avenue Business Association – Annual Spirit Stroll will take place on Saturday, November 26th.  Tickets are available
    1. El Cajon Boulevard Business Improvement Association No update provided
    1. NH Community Association and NH Urban Arts – So far $35,000 has been raised for butterfly mural to be installed on Adams Recreation Center, NH Urban Arts are still raising funds. 
    1. Adams “Community Recreation Advisory Group” No update provided
    1. NH History Project – historical documents are now at the Community Center office 
    1. NH for Smart Growth Presented during Action Item #8

Standing Working Groups, & Pending Issue Reports as needed   

  1. Historic Property Review Report – Dan identified 4564 39th Street as a potential historic property as an Arts & Crafts era bungalow
  2. Parks & Trail Development –P&R Director promising new trees to be installed in the fall. 
  3. Utility Undergrounding – Frances – Forming a Street Lighting working group toward establishing new Maintenance Assessment District (MAD).  Emilie C will now be helping with this effort
  4. Traffic Issue Taskforce – Allan. Our letter/request from October has been sent. 

  8:00    Adjournment Motion to adjourn made by Vickie, S: Paul